By the DOEN criteria, we mean the guidelines that we use to assess new investment proposals.
1. The DOEN Programmes
In the case of new investments and follow-up investments, DOEN Participaties first looks at the objectives of the DOEN Foundation.
a. Does the enterprise’s mission, vision and business model (still) fit in the DOEN Foundation’s programmes (circular entrepreneurship, sustainable energy, sustainable food systems and socially inclusive)?
b. Does the investment fit the DOEN Foundation’s long-term plan and annual plan?
2. Impact
In addition to the criterion of whether the company fits the DOEN Foundation’s guidelines, the most important criterion when considering an investment is impact.
a. What impact does the enterprise intend to make?
b. How big an impact can be achieved?
c. Why is this necessary when viewed on the basis of the transitions that DOEN wants to make possible?
d. Will DOEN’s contribution be used to increase impact by setting up or expanding the enterprise and not, for example, to replace existing funding?
3. The role of DOEN
When an enterprise fits DOEN’s criteria and can make a major impact, it is important to look at the role that DOEN can play in the company.
a. Is DOEN Participaties fulfilling its role as promotor with this investment?
b. Can DOEN Participaties do more for the enterprise? (e.g. via its network)
c. Does DOEN already have past involvement in the initiative?
d. Has DOEN already invested in another company active in the same market?
e. Is the company an addition to the portfolio of DOEN Participaties?
f. Is it a former Green Challenge finalist?
4. Geographical Region
DOEN Participaties traditionally has a number of geographical regions in which it operates: The Netherlands (due to the link with players of the Charity Lotteries), India and East Africa. DOEN Participaties also sees a possibility of increasing its impact by investing in other geographical regions. Because DOEN Participaties does not have sufficient local knowledge there, it invests in these countries mainly through funds.
a. Does the company operate in one of DOEN’s geographical focus areas?
b. Does the fund’s intended impact and business model fit this region?