Green Challenge Fund
During the Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge in 2016, the Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge Fund was launched. This Fund invests in promising winners and (former) finalists of the Green Challenge, in order for them to grow into successful companies that can really make a difference in the world. After the market entry additional capital is often needed to be able to scale up. The current venture capital available in the market focuses mainly on companies that are already beyond the start-up phase, simply because it is too high-risk for many investors. The DOEN Foundation, also supporter of the winners of the Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge, manages the fund. In addition to financial support, the DOEN Foundation also provides substantive added value by connecting the right parties in its network and therefore assisting these companies further.
A greener society
The Postcode Lottery Green Challenge Fund now invests in three start-ups: Ecovative, Bio-bean and Land Life Company. Ecovative came up with a sustainable alternative for non-durable insolation and packaging materials and in this way contributes to solving climate issues. Bio-bean also has a positive impact on the climate by recycling waste from the coffee industry into biofuels that help make our energy supply more sustainable. Land Life Company developed a technique that makes it possible to restore nature in inoperable parts of the earth, such as deserts. By the use of a biodegradable incubator trees can grow in hot and arid regions. Through these investments the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge Fund promotes its vision: a greener society with less CO2 emissions.
In 2020 the 14th edition of the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge takes place. From 1 March to 1 May, sustainable start-ups can submit their green business plans to this international sustainability competition. The most innovative and durable idea to create a better world wins half a million euros to develop it further. All finalists may also apply for support from the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge Fund.