About us

The main objective of DOEN Participaties is to achieve a positive impact on society by supporting new sustainable or socially inclusive entrepreneurs. Impact is central to all our investments. Over the past 25 years, DOEN Participaties has become the biggest impact investor for sustainable and socially inclusive start-ups in the Netherlands. Currently, our portfolio consists of 50 equity investments and convertible loans, and 18 fund investments.

Typical of our investments are:

  • A focus on impact
  • We start in the early phase and can grow with the start-up
  • We dare to take risks

DOEN Participaties invests directly in sustainable or socially inclusive start-ups with convertible loans or equity investments. Initial investments are between €50,000 and €500,000. However, we may also continue to invest. We use an investment fund in the case of foreign investments where DOEN has insufficient knowledge of the local context, or when investing in a very specific sector in the Netherlands.

DOEN Participaties is fully owned and managed by the DOEN Foundation. The DOEN Foundation is the fund of the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the BankGiro Lottery and the FriendsLottery

Why do we invest?

The DOEN Foundation operates in pursuit of objectives that are based on the principle of "invest where possible and subsidise where necessary". Although the majority of the annual support consists of subsidy projects, the DOEN Foundation also provides loans. Through its subsidiary the social investment company DOEN Participaties BV, it invests in green and socially inclusive enterprises and funds that contribute to the objectives of the foundation: a green, socially inclusive and creative world

DOEN Participaties does this by providing convertible loans, equity investments or guarantees, or by investing in funds. DOEN Participaties does not aim for financial profit, but primarily for social benefits. However, investment creates the possibility of using resources multiple times. Loans are repaid, shares are sold at a profit and/or a dividend is paid out. This is how the impact that DOEN Participaties has on society grows.

In the case of equity investments, at each stage there is an assessment of whether the sustainable or socially inclusive enterprise still contributes to the objectives of the DOEN Foundation. Monitoring is based on contractually documented reporting on substantive and financial progress. DOEN Participaties will not seek an exit as long as a company contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the DOEN Foundation and as long as DOEN Participaties has a role to play within the enterprise. In other cases, DOEN Participaties will work towards an exit, but is patient. This strategy is very different from that of other investment companies, which generally adhere to a period of six years. In the case of an exit, DOEN Participaties attaches great importance to the continuation of the mission in selecting a potential buyer. In this way, contributing to a liveable world remains paramount even without the input of DOEN Participaties.

If you would like to know more, or want to submit an application please contact Katinka Ros, via [email protected].